Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Questions in Viva

I. Significance of the Study
A. Indicate Type of Research & how your research will refine, revise, or extend existing knowledge in the area under investigation.
A. “The problem statement describes the context for the study and it also identifies the general analysis approach”
III. Purpose of the Study - Abstract - Conclusion
A. “The purpose statement should provide a specific and accurate synopsis of the overall purpose of the study
A. “The review of the literature provides the background and context for the research problem. It should establish the need for the research and indicate that the writer is knowledgeable about the area”
A. Set of Questions relevant to normative or census type research
B. Hypothesis is set of assumptions are relevant to theoretical research and are typically used only in quantitative inquiry.
VI. The Design--Methods and Procedures
C. Sampling Design Sample Type / Size / Population
D. Statistical design ANOVA, Chi Square, Rank Correlation etc - Know Concept &Formula)
Note For Financial Project The Financial Concepts and Analysis is Important
VII. Limitations
A. A limitation identifies potential weaknesses of the study. Think about your analysis, the nature of self-report, your instruments, the sample. Think about threats to internal validity that may have been impossible to avoid or minimize—explain.
